During the kinesiology session, I use the methods of Touch for Health, Stress Release, and Bach Flower Therapy to support the processes and personal development of my clients.

A brief overview of these methods:

Kinesiology is a discipline that develops personality, abilities, and skills by blending Western medicine with Eastern perspectives on health and disease. Originally, chiropractors began to take an interest in the experiences of Eastern medicine, and Dr. George Goodheart was the first to combine muscle testing with the use of meridians and acupuncture points. From this applied kinesiology, Touch for Health emerged, created by John Thie, who wanted to teach the average person how to maintain physical, emotional, and energetic well-being. This was the foundation from which many other branches evolved, and today it is something anyone can learn and understand. Kinesiologists work with muscle testing, which is our entry code to the subconscious, where the root of each problem lies, whether it is the stagnation of a grieving process or some chronic muscle pain.

Touch for Health
This branch helps everyone to learn body awareness. These corrections include working with meridians, acupuncture points, and the massaging or holding of specific points, which can be used to energize, shift the body towards homeostasis, and release emotional blockages.

For more details: https://www.touch4health.com/

Stress Release/Wellness Kinesiology
Wayne Topping, a New Zealand-based kinesiologist, is the creator of this branch, which uses simple emotional stress-relieving techniques to reduce the stress related to our issues. It includes various corrections: emotional, meridian-based, or those related to acupuncture points, and it allows us to examine entire body systems as well.

For more details: https://www.wellnesskinesiology.com/

Bach Flower Therapy
This method was developed by a doctor named Edward Bach, who, disillusioned with Western medicine, created his own system. The essence is that through the vibrations of healing flowers, trees, plants, and spring water, we delve into the emotional root of problems. He did not focus on symptoms, only on the feelings they evoked. This method is gentle, with no side effects, as it aids not at the physical level but corrects at the emotional level.

In practice, this means we uncover the feelings behind the problem through conversation, and then, supplemented by kinesiology techniques, we find the appropriate flower/tree/plant that resonates with our emotions. It is advisable to select a maximum of 4-6 types, after which I mix the blend. The drops should be placed under the tongue or in water daily, sometimes several times a day, depending on the individual. It is recommended to give the flowers 3-4 weeks, after which we sit down again to discuss and release, observing what has changed.

For more details: https://www.bachremedies.com/en-ca/